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  • Writer's pictureMikaela Cañete

What is HUMSS?

What is HUMSS? HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences.

It is one of the academic tracks of senior high school in the Philippines. This strand focuses on the study of human behavior and societal changes, and analysis of arts, culture, literature, and politics. It involves political science, anthropology, linguistics, psychology, and communication. Students in HUMSS develop the needed knowledge and skills in bringing about positive change through the study of social science theories and concepts, community-based realities, study of culture, society and politics, discussion on moral issues.

Possible Careers/ Jobs related to HUMSS Humanities and Social Sciences offers more opportunities than other people think. Contrary to popular belief, not every HUMSS student dreams to become a politician. And if you’re sitting there thinking HUMSS students will get nowhere, this list of suggested and possible jobs will enlighten and prove you wrong. Teacher Lawyer, Psychologist, Author / Editor, Politician, Criminologist, Journalist, Criminologist, Police, New Anchor, Archaeologist, College Professor, Consultant, Cultural Anthropologist, Editor/Writer, Geologist, Historian, Linguistic Anthropologist, Museum Curator, Park Interpreter, Physical Anthropologist, Oceanographer, Statistician, Travel agent/guide, Weather Forecaster, Economist, Political Scientist, Sociologist and many more.



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